Drupal Give

Some of the projects we have contributed code to
Other contributions of our team to the Drupal project
- Hungarian and Slovak translations for core and contrib modules
- Document edits
- A contrib module XSS vulnerability found, reported, and fixed
- Five out of seven members on the Hungarian Drupal Association board
- One member on the Slovakian Drupal Association board

Active participation of our team at events
- Volunteer at DrupalCon Nashville
- Presentation about continuous integration and organize Drupalaton at Balatonfüred
- Organize and provide office space for Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Budapest
- Presentation about coping with being promoted from developer to CTO at DrupalCamp Colorado
- Organize Drupal IronC amp Prague 2016
- Organize Drupalaton in Balatonalmádi
- Presentations about decoupled Drupal and Drupal Camp organizing 101, volunteer and code sprint at Drupal Developer Days Milan
- Organize DrupalCamp CS in Bratislava
- Performance during the prenote, volunteer at DrupalCon New Orleans
- Organize, host and train at Drupal Global Training Day in Budapest
- Organize and train at Drupal Global Training Day in Bratislava
- Presentation about decoupled Drupal and IoT and volunteer at DrupalCamp London 2016
- Presentation about growing a business, volunteer and code sprint at DrupalCamp Vienna 2015
- Performance during the prenote, volunteer at DrupalCon Barcelona
- Presentation about growing a business, workshop about TypeScript, organize, volunteer and code sprint at Drupalaton in Keszthely
- Volunteer at DrupalCon Los Angeles
- Organize and provide office space for Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Budapest
- Organize Drupal Weekend Budapest
- Organize Drupal Global Training Day in Budapest
- Volunteer at DrupalCon Amsterdam
- Workshop about Drupal commerce, organize, volunteer and code sprint at Drupalaton in Keszthely
- Volunteer and code sprint at Drupal Developer Days Szeged
- Organize and provide office space for Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Budapest
- Presentations about migrating websites to Drupal, mapping with OpenLayers, and how to build a successful Drupal career at Drupal Weekend Budapest
- Code sprint at DrupalCon Prague
- Multilingual code sprint at Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Budapest (organized by Gábor Hojtsy)
- Presentation about Drush make at Drupal Weekend Budapest
- Code sprint at DrupalCon Münich
- Multilingual code sprint in Budapest (organized by Gábor Hojtsy)

Sponsored events
- Decoupled Dev Days in New York City
- DrupalCamp New Jersey
- DrupalCamp New England
- Cornell DrupalCamp
- Drupalaton in Balatonalmádi
- Drupal Weekend Budapest
- Drupal Global Training Day in Budapest
- Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Budapest
- Drupal Global Training Day in Budapest
- Drupalaton in Keszthely
- Drupal Global Sprint Weekend in Budapest
- DrupalCamp NorthWest, Manchester, UK
- Drupalaton (the first international DrupalCamp in Hungary)
- Drupal Weekend Budapest
Other sponsorships
- Sponsorship of CATHY THEYS (YESCT), the first winner of the AARON WINBORN AWARD for 15 hours of core contribution each week between November 2013 and May 2014.